Dear Canvas people! I just received my art. It is stunning and beautiful! Thank you so much!
Judy, Vancouver | Quality paiting I got the painting on Friday. Its beautiful: Perfect size, beautiful contrast of colors, great attention to detail, filled with areas of perfection and imperfections. The more I see the painting the more I fall in admiration for it. The painter has made her smile beautiful and realistic .
Thank you for the painting and thank you for being patient with me.
Shahraam, | THANK YOU! Hello Everyone,
I hope you are well. I did not have time to communicate with my son after receiving and passing to him the package with my order re-done by you. Sorry for late e-mail due to that!
This time it is done PERFECTLY! My son is very, extremely happy, since it matches his dream picture of how it should look!
Thank you very, very much for your effort, your help, understanding and your support!
One more time - THANK YOU!
Tessna, | WOW!!!!! I just received my 2 canvas prints. WOW!!!!! They look amazing. I can't express how happy this has made me. My kids are going to be ecstatic when they receive them at Xmas.
Thanks again
Elaine, |